Start Time
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Start: TBD
10:30 am
End Time
Sunday, February 18, 2024
End: TBD
12:30 pm
GSTDL and Online

Teacher / Translator

Geshe Phuntsok Gyeltsen
Resident Teacher

Event Description

Please join us as our resident teacher, Geshe Phuntsok Gyeltsen, continues to provide insight and knowledge on the Vajrayogini Long Sadhana. This session is an extension of the four classes Geshe Phuntsok gave in January.

This is a restricted teaching, and only those who have taken the Vajrayogini initiation will be able to attend. If you have not taken the initiation, we kindly ask that you join us during the regular teaching sessions and/or explore our Sunday teachings on our website.

To review what Geshe-la has covered, please visit: